Mama Happyness


Personal Develpment for a Better Kenya


Personal Growth Jump for Joy

Become A Better You, Build a Better Kenya!

Personal development is the best way to bring about change in society. Stop looking outside yourself for solutions; the power lies within you. When you grow as a person you will help create a better Kenya, and a better world. Become part of our rapidly growing network of developing individuals working to transform themselves and thier world!

Providing the Tools For Change....

Personal Development


A candle dispels darkness as soon as it enters a room; in the same way, the influence of good character has a radiant quality that affects those who come into contact with it. Politics speaks the language of Power; Personal development speaks the language of Love and Compassion, influencing and inspiring through personal example. As Ghandi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Our personal development program consists of simple and practical ways to grow and develop, that you can put into practice in your everyday life. Click here to begin your journey of personal development now!

Facebook Peace Group


Social media can spread hate and increase divisions or can be a powerful force to promote love and unity. MamaHappyness has launched the group Peace in Kenya Starts with YOU! Its members use social media to counter balance hateful and divisive posts, by offering posts that promote harmony, tolerance and forgiveness.

The group does not endorse any one political party, support any single tribe or ethnic group, nor will it promote any particular religion. Rather we will seek to form connections with Kenyans accross all such affilitaions in the cause of Peace. Join with us today on

Peace in Kenya Starts With YOU!.

Diaspora Skills Initiative


Kenyans in the Diaspora have made such a contribution to the development of Kenya economically that estimates say they account for 5% of Kenya's GDP. And in making a life for themselves they have developed much in terms of experience, skill and expertise, no matter whether they are unskilled labourers or highly skilled professionals.

MamaHappyness.com has launched the Diaspora Skills Initiative putting together a collection of individuals that share an interest in bringing this know-how back to Kenya by donating their time in this initiative. Your generosity is needed! Join us today! Detials on the Diaspora Skills Initiative here.


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